NYC Department of Correction Correction News Dateline newsletters maintained by the NY Correction History Society in the archives at the NYC Correction Academy. |
graphics & texts from the January 1995 issue of Correction News Dateline Below this italicized introductory note are the texts of that issue's stories as well as its graphics and photos. First is the story -- "Five Promoted to Warden III Rank" -- that appeared on Page 1 of the newsletter. That text here begins beneath an image of its orginial headline that was set in an Optima typeface. Also on that page is a copy of the stand-alone image box -- a grayscale photo having its own headline and story caption, related to a memorial plaque, all enclosed within its own border. Dateline -- its name appeared next to the Volume Number on the left side of the Correction News nameplate -- was a grayscale 4-pager published monthly. Correction News itself contained many more pages and was published seasonally. The small Dateline edition usually featured one main front page story, a monthly calendar of DOC-related scheduled events, often a Commissioner's Report, a Quicky Quiz, a cartoon, brief notes of interest, and personnel items.
Commissioner Schembri and
Chief of Department Taylor last
month announced the promotion
of five Correction career officers to
the rank of Warden III. Collectively,
the new wardens possess about 100
years of DOC experience.
Warden Davoren, who joined the department in 1971, served as a CO at CIFM, HDM, and AMKC and from 1981 as a Captain at HDM and later North Facility In 1984, then Capt. Davoren became anADW at North with a range of supervisory duties. Two years later, he became executive officer of Rikers Security Division, leaving there in 1987 for BxHDM and BxCts. A former Air Force sergeant and airbase terminal manager with a Bachelor of Science degree from NY Institute of Technology, Warden Davoren lives in Queens.
Warden Fraser came to DOC in 1978 after work with Brinks, the NY Stock Exchange, and St. John’s Home for Boys.As a CO. he served at CIFM; as Captain at HDM; as ADW at BkHDM, BkCts, and EHPW, and as Deputy Warden, at BkHDM, security and at BHPW, executive officer. A Power Memorial graduate, Warden Fraser pursued studies at Queensborough and Manhattan Community Colleges. He has participated in the NYPD executive development program and the NYC manager development certificate program. Recipient of various Correction awards, Warden Fraser is active with community youth programs in Queens where he lives. Warden Ortiz joined DOC as a CO in 1978, drawing HDM as his first assignment. When he became Captain in 1985, he was assigned to North Facility. After advancement to ADW rank in 1987, he served at ARDC, the Use of Force Central Monitoring Unit and the Internal Auditing Unit on Rikers. Since 1990, he has served at GRVC as DW in supervisory administrative and security roles. A microcomputer whiz, Warden Ortiz is completing studies at Queens College for a B.S. in Accounting. The Flushing HS graduate already has degrees and certificates from Baruch College and U.S. Agriculture Department Graduate School. With DOC for more than 21 years, Warden Stankovic was first assigned as a CO at CIFM and later at BxHDM and at what is now JATC. Promoted to Captain in 1982, he had assignments at North Facility and CIFM. After promotion to ADW in 1987, he served at HDM and the Women’s House of Detention. ADW since 1991, he saw duty aboard the MTF Bibby Venture and at BkHDM and NIC before being posted to SOD in early 1994. Warden Stankovic earned a degree from Kingsborough Community College in 1969. He lives on Long Island. Warden Thomas joined Correction in 1973 as a CO and saw service at CIFM, BxHDM, R.I. Hospital and AIU. After advancement to Captain in 1982, he served at ARDC and MHDM. Appointed ADW in 1985, he carried out assignments at AMKC and Central Office Management Evaluation. In 1989 as Programs DW, he served aboard MTF Bibby Venture and then in the same role at GMDC. From August 1990 to last month, he was the latter’s Security DW. Warden Thomas has earned a B.S. in Human Services from Empire State College, the degree will be awarded this month. He also has degrees and certificates from Security Management Institute, John Jay College, American Management Association, Dale Carnegie Institute and Smith and Wesson Academy. The Brooklynite is both a professional photographer and a competitive marksman. Typically attending are representatives from DOC, DOT, Queens Borough President, Community Bd. 1, Council Speaker Vallone, 114th Pct., Office of the Mayor, Astoria Heights Association, Assemblyman Denis J. Butler, State Sen. George Onorato and LaGuardia Airport management. We also are investigating the possibility of having a Rikers check cashing service on pay days. It appears that such a firm already serving the city in several areas might be willing to extend its contract to cover Rikers on pay days. We have requested approval of this idea from the appropriate office and are awaiting a response. On a matter of perennial interest, we shared with the Task Force the findings by city-retained consultants who recently completed a study on possibly reviving Rikers ferry service. They found capital cost and operating expenses would far exceed any potential benefit. The community has voiced some discontent concerning drop-off points for work release and other inmates leaving Rikers. We have taken corrective action on this and reported those steps at a recent Task Force meeting. Our neighbors, as taxpayers, are also our employers. The residents have a right to expect courtesy, consideration and common decency from their civil servants. This is true in Astoria near Rikers; indeed, in any community adjacent to any of our facilities throughout the city. I believe most members of the Department conduct themselves in adjacent areas with the proper decorum appropriate to the public service they have sworn to provide. They need no reminders that staff behavior must not be detrimental to the interests of the Department in maintaining good relations with the community. We will not allow misconduct by a few to bring disrepute to the vast majority of our members. We will not let them undermine DOC efforts to be a good neighbor to all our adjacent communities throughout the city. Correction Dateline, a calendar of DOC-related events which were scheduled for that month, dominated Page 3 of the January 1995 Correction News Dateline issue. The heading over the days of the week identified it as published by the NYC DOC Office of Public Information and provided the name of the editor and his 60 Hudson St., Manhattan, DOC headquarters office phone number. Only six columns were allotted for the days of the week, with Saturdays and Sundays both sharing the sixth column. Three dollars in a date box signified "pay day." For example, the January chart of dates included events sponsored by the Emerald Society, Guardians, Hispanic Society, Columbia Association, Correction Officers for Christ, the Maccabees, Women in Correction, the Correction Captains Association, among others. If an affiliated group's events were missing from a particular month's calendar, the cause often could be traced to that organization not comunicating the information in time for publication. Where a date box had sufficient space to include an organization's logo as well as the event data, it might be used but that graphic could be dropped to make room for an additional event. The date boxes shared by Saturdays and Sundays were not always divided evenly. The division depended on which day had the more events to note. Below the Page 3 calendar were short items, and the latest cartoon in the Officer Lock-In series, C.O. drawn, that had begun with the November 1993 issue of Correction News Dateline.
Below is the Correction People banner graphic that overarched the stories and image on Page 4 of the January 1995 issue of Correction News Dateline.
About 50 uniformed and civilian staffers were named Employees of the Month for October and November. Captains Leonard Patton, BkHDM / Ct; Howard Williams, JATC; Gloria James, QHDM / Ct; Nadine Felton, SOD; Alma Faison, CJFM, and Herbert Moultrie, BxHDM / Ct; COs Monique Harden, Marva Burnett, AMKC; Luis Lugo, Dagoberto Velez, ARDC; Kenneth Times, BCF; David Nasberg, John Mercado, BHPW; Maria Cruz, BkHDM / Ct. Also COs Jose Riollano, BxHDM/Ct; Nigel Graham, CIFM; David Tittle, Charles Jordan, EHPW; Alsyne Chase, GMDC; Daniel Lowe, James Smith, GRVC; Richard Serrano, HIIP; Linda Rhame, JATC. Also COs`Ricardo Rivera, QHDM/Ct; Anthony Simonson, Delilah Phillips, RMSC; Charles Tergino, SOD; Stanley Ross, Transportation, and Lori Mapp-Green, Anthony Sockwell, West. Civilians selected to represent their divisions in November included: Division I -- Earl McCreary, Cook, MDC; Division II -- Eric Ramos, Comm. Mgr., CIFM; Borough Commands -- Lewis Ottley, Maint. Wkr., BCF; and Central Office -- Frances Skinner, PAA, Operations Div. Civilians selected to represent their divisions in October included: Civilians Carrolle Banfield, Counselor, HIIP; Gennaro Galiano, Machinist, Trans. Div.; Richard Lowry, HPPT, West, for Div. I; Joseph Bennet, Cook, CIFM, for Div. II; Charles Cumberbatch Sr., Cook, BxHDM, for Div. III; Cynthia Sullivan, Office Assoc., ARDC, for Div. IV; Ruby Gill, Sr. Trade Instr., CID, for Central Office. |
To 1992 December Correction News Dateline -- the first issue.
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