8th of 16 Fr. Repole requiem images

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Fr. Repole's draped coffin is incensed in preparation of its being taken from the church to the monastery's graveyard. .

WEBMASTER NOTE: The salute to Fr. Repole posted on this web site Oct. 12, 2011 linked to the site's version of a 16-image New York Correction History Facebook page photo album 2 Rikers Friars: Repole & MacDonald uploaded Sept. 29, 2011. Those images were emailed individually to him, care of the Queen of Peace Residence's Little Sisters of the Poor nun in charge of the nursing home's web site. She reports he was very interested with the photos, recognizing people and places in them. He passed away in his sleep Oct. 18, 2011. Requiem mass was offered Oct. 21 in the Monastery Church of the Sacred Heart, Yonkers. Links to the Oct. 12, 2011 salute to Fr. Repole and to the Facebook page photo album 2 Rikers Friars: Repole & MacDonald are listed right.


To Oct. 12, 2011 Salute to Father Charles Repole

To Oct. 21, 2011 Fond Farewell to Fr. Charlie

To web version of NY Correction History Facebook album 2 Rikers Friars: Repole & MacDonald

To NYCHS home page